Colonized Petri Dish with Hericium Erinaceus
Commercial cultivation of Hericium erinaceus is normally done on supplemented sawdust (sterilized substrate). The traditional method of seed production, which uses pieces of colonized agar inoculated into sterilized grains, is considered slower than inoculation techniques using liquid culture. To produce Hericium erinaceus seed, the most recommended is inoculation in sterilized wheat via liquid culture. After the sawdust block is 100% colonized, a hole must be made with a crochet hook, where the mushroom will develop. To harvest, simply twist the mushroom, and the correct harvest point is when the edges of the mushroom begin to turn yellow, signaling that the cells have stopped growing.
This fungus is extremely sensitive to light, and starts fruiting at the slightest sign of light (including in the Petri dish with growth medium, seed, compost). Therefore, both the seed and the blocks must remain in the dark until the fruiting phase, when it must be exposed to light.
Lion's Mane, or Pom Pom Mushroom, is an edible mushroom that occurs naturally in North America, Europe, and Asia. Its flavor is delicious and its cultivation is relatively easy. The grower's focus should be on maintaining the correct humidity during fruiting, which should be quite high. Currently, there is an increase in demand for this species, due to its supposed medicinal effects.
Hericium erinaceus has a saprobic lifestyle, but it can eventually parasitize some trees. Like some other mushrooms, like Grifola frondosa and Laetiporus sulphureus, Hericium erinaceus can continue to bear fruit on the same tree for many years. In Europe, Hericium erinaceus produces mushrooms from August to November.
With the increase in demand for healthier foods with nutraceutical properties, the cultivation of Hericium erinaceus has gained space in Brazilian territory. In addition to being very tasty, lion's mane is relatively easy to grow and very nutritious. Several producers are already incorporating Hericium erinaceus into their species list, which can be included in “mushroom mix” trays.
Some scientific research suggests that this mushroom has substances that help in the relief of various diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, inflammation and tumors in the digestive system and esophagus, depression, anxiety, improved cognition (nootropic), atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases in general, etc. . These effects may occur due to the presence of polysaccharides and polypeptides that help the immune system. Some studies in Japan pointed out that erinacin, a substance present in this mushroom, stimulates the production of NGF (Nerve growth factor), in Portuguese “nerve growth factor”. This substance is very important in the regeneration and maintenance of neurons during adult life, making Hericium erinaceus a great candidate to make up the diet of those with nervous diseases.
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